Vaibhav Yadaram

వైభవ్ౕ యాడరం

I’m a software engineer and designer working on Retail POS at Shopify. In October of 2022, I graduated from Toronto Metropolitan University with a degree in computer science.

In the summer of 2021, I interned at Italic, building their storefront from scratch. In early 2021, I was an intern on Shopify's expansion intelligence team, working on the frontend of proprietary business intelligence software. In 2019, I worked at HXOUSE, an incubator founded by The Weeknd and Lamar Taylor, where I designed and developed and wrote technical curriculum. In high school, I worked with my friends to launch Cipher, a non-profit where we hosted hackathons and workshops to introduce programming to high school students in the Greater Toronto Area.

Since 2020, I’ve been working with friends to design and develop websites for brands like the NBA, Mark Seekings, TD Bank and more.

You can check out my resume to learn more about my previous experience.

You can reach me via email ( or Twitter (@vaibhavyadaram)

reflection of me in a shiny jeep